Useful Programs



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I have included some useful programs in your pursuit of Algebra 2.  

Please be aware that the use of these programs is for checking the answers to your homework only.  .

Remember, your teacher will not give you credit for your homework assignment unless you show your work (not just writing down the problem and the answer).

The author and owners of this web page take no responsibility for any errors that may be in the programs provided or for the consequences of running any of these programs on your computer.

Having any of these programs on your computer signifies acceptance of the terms of use listed above.  If you share any of these programs with other people, direct them to this web page so that they will know the conditions and terms of use.

For programs or spreadsheets (filenames ending in .exe or .xls), right click on the link and save the program to your local computer.  Run these programs from your local computer.  For other links or applets, click on the link to run the program.

Program Description Useful for Chapters Program or Link
Multiplication Table All Multiplication Table
This SpreadSheet will display a list of numbers, their squares, cubes, fourths and perfect fifths.  This is useful when you want to memorize perfect squares, cubes, etc. 4, 6, 7 Squares Etc.
This program will display a list of numbers, their squares, cubes, fourths and perfect fifths.  This is useful when you want to memorize perfect squares, cubes, etc. 4, 6, 7 squares.exe
This program will help you factor polynomials of the form ax˛+bx +c.  It WILL NOT find the GCF, and it will only find ONE of the TWO factors for you. 4, 5, 7 Fctr1nly.exe
This Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet will calculate the roots of a quadratic equation using the Quadratic Formula 7 Excel Quadratic Formula

If the link above doesn't give you an interactive spreadsheet, right click on the link below to download the Spreadsheet

Quadratic Formula Spreadsheet

This applet will calculate the roots of a quadratic equation using the Quadratic Formula 7 Quadratic Formula
This MS Excel Spreadsheet will help you check your answers to some Ch. 11 homework problems. 11 SequencesandSeriesCh11.xls


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