Ethics Paper



Computer Ethics in Programming

Summary Paper

AP Computer Science Java 1.5

 Mr. Clausen

 You will start by visiting the following two Internet web sites for professional organizations in Computer Programming.  The first is the Association of Computing Professionals at:
The second site is a professional engineering association, IEEE located at: Read (and print out) carefully the code of ethics and professional conduct pages at these sites.  (If these links are no longer valid, start at: and and search for their code of ethics.)

Your job is to read the information carefully, and write a two page word-processed SUMMARY of the code of ethics at these two sites.

This paper is to be a summary of information pertaining to computer ethics at these two sites. It is NOT a paper to include your personal feelings or philosophies about computer ethics.  It is strictly a summary of the ideas found at the above-mentioned web pages. 

It needs to be word processed, two full pages, one and a half spacing (not single spaced or double spaced), Times New Roman Font size 12, with one inch margins at the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right.  Include your name and ID number at the top of page one as well as the title of the paper.  Don’t forget to properly cite your references, which are the URL’s listed above.  If you aren’t sure how to cite your sources, take a virtual trip to the LCHS Library (IRC) and click on the link for MLA FormatDo not copy and paste any text from either web page, you are to summarize these pages in your own words.  Be sure to attach copies of both codes of ethics to your summary.



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